I recently picked up a copy, and the Introduction outlines the text's material thus:
- the assertion of a need for “true religious dialogue” with Islam, and what pitfalls that presents for Christians,
- the claim that “Muslims and Christians worship the same God,” and what that means for Christians,
- the implied assumption that “Islam is a religion of peace” with which we ought to partner,
- the vague presupposition that Muhammad was divinely inspired, and therefore “an apostle, a man of God,”
- the notion that Christianity and Islam have “sizable ar- eas of common ground,” and should therefore unite in “new models of co-existence and cooperation,”
- and, in general, the sunny view that Islam is a wonder- ful, lofty religion and has so much in common with Christianity as to be in many ways revered and even emulated by us (while any differences are due to “mis- understandings” which may be easily cleared away by “true religious dialogue”).
Do considering picking up a copy here.
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